Director Ashley Edge
Phone: (405) 726-3927

Before/After School Care Program-Wildcat Den
Thank you for choosing Wildcat Hangout for your childcare needs. Here you will find information regarding our Before/After Care program including operational hours, pricing, attendance policy, activities, behavior policy, and contact information. It is important to note that even though Wildcat Hangout operates on the premises of Will Rogers it is under the authority of the onsite director and Edmond Public Schools Daycare Facilitator, Marci McVay. If questions arise regarding issues occurring during the operational hours of before/aftercare please contact the director Ashley Edge or the EPS Daycare Facilitator at Email Marci McVay.
We cannot wait to welcome you and your child to Will Rogers Before/After Care, Wildcat Hangout, where our goal is to provide a safe, healthy, and fun environment while striving to meet the needs of your child.
Wildcat Den Information (PDF updated 8/1/24)
BAC Policies and Procedures (PDF updated 8/30/23)
BAC Payment Information (PDF updated 8/30/23
BAC Tuition Schedule (PDF updated 8/30/23)
Child Information Form (PDF updated 8/30/23)